Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Workout Blog for 9/10/08

As mentioned previously, this contest brings a new Turbulence Training workout program for me. Tonight was Workout B from TK3 in the original TT manual.

Workout stats:

Total Worktime: 25:25

Exercises performed:
  • Forward Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Stability Ball Jacknife
  • Step Ups
  • Stability Ball Leg curls

Lunges were done holding a pair of 45# DBs. I should have been able to go heavier, but I'll get to that a bit later. The side planks were too easy (thanks to Craig). So I'll ramp them up to 45 secs a side next go around.

For the next group, I substituted a barbell RDL loaded with 155# because I didn't want to waste time loading and then unloading my DB's for the next group of exercises. I was able to finish all 3 sets of 8 reps easily at that weight, so I'll increase next go around. The jacknife's felt great.

I messed around a bit with the order of set #3...the Step Up + Stability Ball leg curl. I performed one set of step ups on one side and then did the leg curls and then straight back to step ups for the other leg. This gave my grip a chance to rest so I could come back to the other leg fresh and not drop the weights. As you get stronger, it gets more difficult to hold on to heavy DBs for too long.

Overall, I wasn't as fresh as I would have liked. Last night's run was too much and I didn't have the gas to push as hard as I could have. The intervals suffered because of being flat ... I won't make that mistake again.

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