Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, 9/22/08 Workout Blog

Ah...Monday. After a draining (last) week of late nights, 3 super late nights playing with the band and only one full rest day on Sunday ... this was a below average Monday.

~BUT~ there was a bonus for me ... as today would be my first TT 2K3 workout with the pull-up bar so I could actually perform the chin-ups that are prescribed in the workout.

So here's how it went down:

The Work included:
  • Chin-ups
  • DB Chest Presses
  • DB Rows, elbow out
  • DB Incline Press
  • Decline Pushups
  • Standing BB curls
Notes and Observations:
The chin-ups felt great. Very strict, full drop and all the way to the top. No swinging. I'll up to 8 repson Friday when I do this routine again. The chest presses felt Solid...but a little awkward for some reason...hmmm?

Rows and inclines in the second superset was solid all the way around. I should have upped the DBs for the incline presses, but it's such a pain to stop and reload/ I left them the same. But I have an idea for next time.

Finishing out...decline pushups were the same. I switched up the seated DB curls for standing BB curls for some variety. The chin-ups really showed my arms were already feeling toasted. Had to concentrate to work through it. I only managed 6 in good form on the last set.

Total work time: 25:48. The chins took a little more gas than I expected.

Intervals: 30x90 secs; 9 x 3 respective intensity.

I switched up the intervals tonight. For the "High" work I did 30 secs of "Bar Bell hops" (at least that's what I call them) ...single hop as fast as possible back and forth across a loaded barbell...aiming for a count of 60 (2 hops per second).

It makes you jump higher than jumping rope...cuz if you don't...face plant!

Then back over to the treadmill for the 90 secs recovery time. It felt really good to switch it up a little.

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