Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, 9/24/08 workout BLOG

Highlights for Workout B from the 2K3 program in the
original Turbulence Training manual.

Today...was a very busy zapped all my energy,
and I came home drained and with a bad attitude. Not
in the mood for a workout, but I did it anyway. Mood
improved a couple sets in. I was still moving slower
even though there were no tv. Just not
motivated this evening.

I'm not the sort to get up at 5am to work out, so I'll
be looking for other ways to take advantage of the
energy earlier in the day. I'll be exploring options
available where I can do my workout from about 11:30
until 1:00pm...before work has a chance to suck all
the life force outa' me...

Tonight's work included:

  • DB Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Swiss Ball Jacknife
  • DB Step Ups
  • Swiss Ball Leg Curls
Intervals: 8 rounds; 60x60 secs; 8x3 respectively

Notes and observations:
Total work time: 32:47 ... man...I was draggin a$$!

Last year about this time I began having some problems
with my knees. I feel the same sorts of problems
coming back, so I better make sure I'm using better
form and proper loading on my leg work. I was
struggling with balance a little tonight even with the
50# DBs, so I need to go back down to 45#s and not
sacrifice the form. Very important!

Second group: I stayed at 160# on the BB RDL. I've
never done any heavy RDLs in my life so I want to make
sure the form is absolutely perfect before moving the
weight up. Tonight they felt ROCK SOLID! I couldn't
see myself, but with a neutral back held through the
lift, I never felt any pulling or discomfort of any
kind. I was going down as low as possible to my shins
before pulling out of the lift. I'm really liking
this movement, and I fully intend to begin working to
move heavier in the future. I bumped up the Swiss
Ball Jacknifes to 20 reps.

Final group: Paying careful attention on the step
ups, I found that I was using my calves way too much
to push into the working leg. So I lowered the weight
back down to 45#s to maintain better form and
concentrate on the step and really exaggerating the
lowering movement. I bumpd up the Swiss Ball curls to
20 reps as well. They felt good.

The intervals were good. Concentrating on Chi running
technique. Neutral lean..felt good.

Food...? Running out of food at work. Need to find
more lean sources of protein and clean carbs to keep
in my office fridge.

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