Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, 9/12/08 workout Log

Recap for Friday, Workout A from the TK3 program in the original Tubulence Training manual.

Following a long day at work and despite being up very late the night before, Friday's workout was focused and productive. Nobody was home when I got here, so I made a quick transition out of work clothes to take advantage of the quiet. I decided to keep it that way music TV distractions. Just Craig's program ...the weights ...and my stop watch with a focus on beating my last time with better form.

Here are the exercises in tonight's workout:

  • Heavy BB Rows
  • DB Chest Press
  • DB Rows (Elbow Out)
  • DB Incline Press
  • Decline Pushups
  • DB Curls 3x8 @ 30#

Intervals: 6 transitions; 30 x 90 secs; 9 x 3 intensity (respectively); at a 3% incline

Notes and observations:
I still don't have the chin-up bar that I ordered so, once again, I have to substitute heavy rows. It's not even close to the same, but it's the only back (pulling) exercise I can do with the equipment I currently own. The chest presses felt solid.

During the DB rows of set 2, I made one clear observation: Although I'm right handed, I am much stronger in the rowing movement with my left side. In that situation it would be easy to sacrifice form on your weaker side in order to move the same weight. I need to be more focused with my right side so that I don't cheat. "Pushes" are opposite. The simple coordination of my right side makes it seem easier to push through the movement and I have to focus on the left side for form and motion as was the case with the incline presses.

The decline pushups are murder following the various chest presses of the first two sets. Likewise, the curls are also quite a challenge following all the heavy pulling movements. Both are natural consequences, and I'm sure that's why Craig structured the workout that way. After finishing the complete 3rd set, I grabbed a pair of 15# dbs and did seated hammer curls to failure. Arms were toast.

Total work time: 23:25 ...almost a full 3 minutes better than Monday.

I had trouble with the intervals:
My left calf muscle kept going into spasm. I had to break out of the first set and stretch a little more. My calves have both been giving me problems...but only on the treadmill. Not when I run outdoors. I'm sure it's due to the difference in dorsiflexion of the feet. It's purely a subconcious change, but I've read that running on the treadmill causes an ever so slight change in normal gait patterns compared to running outdoors.

This can make itself evident in various ways depending on the individual due to the limitless variations in how we all walk and run. For example, I've read that this is the reason it's common for people in northern climates, who spend most of the winter months running indoors on treadmills, to experience various leg pains when they head outdoors during the spring.

Yada, Yada....I know....get on with it...enough rambling ... I also still want to get a stationary bike to offer some more variation on the theme of intervals. But I'll do some outside today on my mountain bike.

And to start Saturday... is this a new ritual? ... hmmmm ... maybe. Here's breakfast Oatmeal Pancakes - recipe found online at

The listed ingredients/quantities makes 2 cakes. Here are the macros (for the cakes alone):
Cals: 308
Total Fat (g): 4.22
Carbs (g): 34
Prot (g): 31

~Careful~ with the carbs when adding any toppings. I like to use a low-sugar strawberry fruit spread (no HFCS). It's only 40 cals for 2 tbsp with 12g sugar carbs. A touch of raw, 100% natural maple syrup would rock! But that would be for a some sort of treat. Don't waste your time with any of the standard industry syrups. Even the low-carb varieties. They're loaded down with all kinds of garbage, with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) leading the pack.

And, yes everyone loves grandma's homemade jellys and preserves, but have you ever seen how much sugar is used to make that stuff? Best to just give grandma a kiss on the cheek, help with the dishes and steer clear of the sugar bomb!

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