Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Friday, 9/26/08 workout Blog

Nice end to the week.

Celebrated my wife's B'day on Thursday...I won't say which one...;-) Really enjoyed the evening with the family, had some ice cream and did not play with the band. I'm beginning to feel a little run down (tired, lack of energy) and have somewhat of a head cold and/or sinus infection creeping in. I took off friday night from the band as well...but I still did my Turbulence Training workout.

Here's the rundown: TT 2K3 workout A
  • Chin ups
  • DB Chest Press
  • BB Row
  • DB Inclince Chest Press
  • Declined pushups
  • Seated DB Curls
Total work time: 31:59 secs. Whew...dragging again!

Notes and Observations:

Superset 1: The chin ups rock! I'm loving that 3 position bar I purchased. I bumped up the reps to 8. Full extension on the bottom...man they really take allot out of you!!! The DB chest presses were fine. I attempted to reload my DBs with 80#'s, but the plates just don't fit safely...so I put them back to 75#s.

Superset 2: I switched over to the BB for rows so that I could reload the DBs heavier for the incline chest presses. Then I turned right around and "twinged" my lower back ever so slightly during the first set...DOH! So I had to scale back a little (no pun intended) for the next two sets of reps. The incline presses were a nice challenge with the DBs loaded at 70#'s. I'll be purchasing a different bench soon so I can perform these at different angles like their supposed to be done. This angle (more upright) uses allot of shoulder ... which isn't bad given that's all I've got ... but at a lower incline, the forces would come more from the chest. Had to be carefull with the remaining rows.

Superset 3: I added 2 more reps to the decline pushups. I was aiming for 5 to round it out to 20 reps, but I was running out of gas and didn't have the form to keep it up ....that, plus I was having some sinus pressure with my head angled down. The Seated DB curls were solid. Again with a better bench, I'll be able to do incline curls the way they're intended. For now, I just keep moving through a variety of curl positions...seated on stab. ball; standing BB; regular seated, etc.

Intervals: N/A...can't breath with this head thing going on. Lots of sinus pressure.

Overall: Need to focus on rest and post workout nutrition. I feel that I've been neglecting the "window of opportunity" following the workout and that has a big part of why I'm feeling so run down, lethargic. Doing allot of reading in this regard...Alwyn Cosgrove, John Berardi, etc.

Not getting enough rest? Well...no excuse for that. Gotta make the Z's happen!

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