Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, 9/15/08 workout log

Recap for Monday, Workout B from the TK3 program in the original Turbulence Training manual.

It was a usual Monday at work. Following up with things from last week, most notably...Hurricane Ike moving through the Houston area. Had to keep up with how that impacted our offices in the area.

Tonight's workout was excellent. Here goes...

The work for today included:

  • DB Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Swiss Ball Jacknife
  • DB Step Ups
  • Swiss Ball Leg Curls

Intervals: 8 transitions; 60 x 60 secs; 8 x 3 intensity (respectively); at a 1.5% incline

Notes and observations:
Total work time: 27:49 ...No, I didn't beat my last mark, but I did much more actual work.

Last time through this workout (9/10/08) I was disappointed in the weight used. This time, I made up for it in spades! I pushed the DB's up to 55# and went for it. At 20# total pounds was a challenge let me tell you....especially in the grip. I'm going to have to get some wrist straps the heavier I go.

Also as mentioned last time, I did push the side planks up to 40 secs per side. That was a good number. I'll keep it there one more session and then nudge it up again.

Ditto for the BB RDL. I pushed the total poundage up to 177#...another 20# increase. I finished all the reps with no problems, but it was definitely a better challenge. I think I'll work on this weight 1 to 2 more sessions before upping get the form down better.

Again...trouble with the calves during intervals. Cramping.

Tomorrow is an easy day...don't want to get wasted and not able to perform on Wednesday.

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