Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Twitter Essay; 9/30/08

It’s hard to believe the first 4 weeks of the new TT contest and the 4 week Twitter contest are already over. They almost literally flew by at warp speed.
So the standing question is what did it mean to me? …and/or what did I learn from it?… about myself both physically and otherwise.

One particular thing stands out in my mind is incredible sense of focus you can have on a certain goal which is intensified when you include the fact that you have a group of people working toward their own similar goal and coaching and cheering you on as you all move together. It’s a great feeling to be part of the group and adds even more fuel to your fire.

I felt a sense of focus earlier this year when I was working alone, applying TT and building a better me … but participating more jointly with the group and working together has made the last 4 weeks intently more enjoyable and satisfying. I hope that the “tweets” will hang together throughout the remainder of the contest and beyond. It’s great motivation through the day even though I don’t get to “chirp” in that often. It’s nice to come home and catch up with everyone.

Physically, I feel more challenged than ever. We all have a certain mindset of where we’d like to be…what we’d like to look like. The TT programs have already proven to be the tool I need. Now it’s up to me to apply myself more … learning more... and rest allot more! Considering my crazy schedule, this contest really brings the time management aspect of my life into focus.

As a matter of fact, today’s quote from Dax Moy was exactly about that…time management. Filling your day with unproductive things…actions. What do you do on a daily basis and why? If the actions don’t have a purpose…why are you doing it? That really brings it home for me.

Friday, 9/26/08 workout Blog

Nice end to the week.

Celebrated my wife's B'day on Thursday...I won't say which one...;-) Really enjoyed the evening with the family, had some ice cream and did not play with the band. I'm beginning to feel a little run down (tired, lack of energy) and have somewhat of a head cold and/or sinus infection creeping in. I took off friday night from the band as well...but I still did my Turbulence Training workout.

Here's the rundown: TT 2K3 workout A
  • Chin ups
  • DB Chest Press
  • BB Row
  • DB Inclince Chest Press
  • Declined pushups
  • Seated DB Curls
Total work time: 31:59 secs. Whew...dragging again!

Notes and Observations:

Superset 1: The chin ups rock! I'm loving that 3 position bar I purchased. I bumped up the reps to 8. Full extension on the bottom...man they really take allot out of you!!! The DB chest presses were fine. I attempted to reload my DBs with 80#'s, but the plates just don't fit safely...so I put them back to 75#s.

Superset 2: I switched over to the BB for rows so that I could reload the DBs heavier for the incline chest presses. Then I turned right around and "twinged" my lower back ever so slightly during the first set...DOH! So I had to scale back a little (no pun intended) for the next two sets of reps. The incline presses were a nice challenge with the DBs loaded at 70#'s. I'll be purchasing a different bench soon so I can perform these at different angles like their supposed to be done. This angle (more upright) uses allot of shoulder ... which isn't bad given that's all I've got ... but at a lower incline, the forces would come more from the chest. Had to be carefull with the remaining rows.

Superset 3: I added 2 more reps to the decline pushups. I was aiming for 5 to round it out to 20 reps, but I was running out of gas and didn't have the form to keep it up ....that, plus I was having some sinus pressure with my head angled down. The Seated DB curls were solid. Again with a better bench, I'll be able to do incline curls the way they're intended. For now, I just keep moving through a variety of curl positions...seated on stab. ball; standing BB; regular seated, etc.

Intervals: N/A...can't breath with this head thing going on. Lots of sinus pressure.

Overall: Need to focus on rest and post workout nutrition. I feel that I've been neglecting the "window of opportunity" following the workout and that has a big part of why I'm feeling so run down, lethargic. Doing allot of reading in this regard...Alwyn Cosgrove, John Berardi, etc.

Not getting enough rest? Well...no excuse for that. Gotta make the Z's happen!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, 9/24/08 workout BLOG

Highlights for Workout B from the 2K3 program in the
original Turbulence Training manual.

Today...was a very busy day...it zapped all my energy,
and I came home drained and with a bad attitude. Not
in the mood for a workout, but I did it anyway. Mood
improved a couple sets in. I was still moving slower
even though there were no
distractions...kids...music...or tv. Just not
motivated this evening.

I'm not the sort to get up at 5am to work out, so I'll
be looking for other ways to take advantage of the
energy earlier in the day. I'll be exploring options
available where I can do my workout from about 11:30
until 1:00pm...before work has a chance to suck all
the life force outa' me...

Tonight's work included:

  • DB Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Swiss Ball Jacknife
  • DB Step Ups
  • Swiss Ball Leg Curls
Intervals: 8 rounds; 60x60 secs; 8x3 respectively

Notes and observations:
Total work time: 32:47 ... man...I was draggin a$$!

Last year about this time I began having some problems
with my knees. I feel the same sorts of problems
coming back, so I better make sure I'm using better
form and proper loading on my leg work. I was
struggling with balance a little tonight even with the
50# DBs, so I need to go back down to 45#s and not
sacrifice the form. Very important!

Second group: I stayed at 160# on the BB RDL. I've
never done any heavy RDLs in my life so I want to make
sure the form is absolutely perfect before moving the
weight up. Tonight they felt ROCK SOLID! I couldn't
see myself, but with a neutral back held through the
lift, I never felt any pulling or discomfort of any
kind. I was going down as low as possible to my shins
before pulling out of the lift. I'm really liking
this movement, and I fully intend to begin working to
move heavier in the future. I bumped up the Swiss
Ball Jacknifes to 20 reps.

Final group: Paying careful attention on the step
ups, I found that I was using my calves way too much
to push into the working leg. So I lowered the weight
back down to 45#s to maintain better form and
concentrate on the step and really exaggerating the
lowering movement. I bumpd up the Swiss Ball curls to
20 reps as well. They felt good.

The intervals were good. Concentrating on Chi running
technique. Neutral lean..felt good.

Food...? Running out of food at work. Need to find
more lean sources of protein and clean carbs to keep
in my office fridge.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday, 9/23/08 Workout BLOG

Quick fill-in workout today.

Easy 3 minute segments on the treadmill @ an easy

Then, stop and took a 1 minute break for perform 10
BarBell clean and press using a relatively light

....then back on the treadmill for another 3 minute

Total time: 30 minutes.

Nutrition is still very balanced, although it's
difficult during the day to keep enough high quality
protein sources around...I keep eating everything!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, 9/22/08 Workout Blog

Ah...Monday. After a draining (last) week of late nights, 3 super late nights playing with the band and only one full rest day on Sunday ... this was a below average Monday.

~BUT~ there was a bonus for me ... as today would be my first TT 2K3 workout with the pull-up bar so I could actually perform the chin-ups that are prescribed in the workout.

So here's how it went down:

The Work included:
  • Chin-ups
  • DB Chest Presses
  • DB Rows, elbow out
  • DB Incline Press
  • Decline Pushups
  • Standing BB curls
Notes and Observations:
The chin-ups felt great. Very strict, full drop and all the way to the top. No swinging. I'll up to 8 repson Friday when I do this routine again. The chest presses felt Solid...but a little awkward for some reason...hmmm?

Rows and inclines in the second superset was solid all the way around. I should have upped the DBs for the incline presses, but it's such a pain to stop and reload/unload...so I left them the same. But I have an idea for next time.

Finishing out...decline pushups were the same. I switched up the seated DB curls for standing BB curls for some variety. The chin-ups really showed here...as my arms were already feeling toasted. Had to concentrate to work through it. I only managed 6 in good form on the last set.

Total work time: 25:48. The chins took a little more gas than I expected.

Intervals: 30x90 secs; 9 x 3 respective intensity.

I switched up the intervals tonight. For the "High" work I did 30 secs of "Bar Bell hops" (at least that's what I call them) ...single hop as fast as possible back and forth across a loaded barbell...aiming for a count of 60 (2 hops per second).

It makes you jump higher than jumping rope...cuz if you don't...face plant!

Then back over to the treadmill for the 90 secs recovery time. It felt really good to switch it up a little.

Saturday , 9/20/08, Workout Log

Recap for Saturday, 9/20/08

Feeling super drained from the week, I didn't do my Intervals on Friday with the regular 2k3; Workout B.

...so I opted to take some time on Saturday and run them on the track over at the neighborhood elementary school. Running outside felt great.

Following a couple of warm-up laps (~800 meters) it was pretty basic, 8 cycles; 60 x 60 secs; 8 x 3 relative intensity. Just keep starting and stopping every time my watch beeped...

...then back over to get the wife and kids at the park and walk home. It was a very nice afternoon overall.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, 9/18/08 workout log

Recap for Friday, Workout B from the TK3 program in the original Tubulence Training manual.

After a long week with not nearly enough sleep, I decided to take the workout down a notch. I reduced the weight and didn't try to beat my last time...I just didn't have the energy to get it done. I also didn't do the intervals...again, lack of rest has an enormous impact on your energy equation..."DUH"... !!!

I will do some intervals alone on Saturday after I can get a good 8-9 hours sleep.

Here's the work breakdown...
  • DB Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Swiss Ball Jacknife
  • DB Step Ups
  • Swiss Ball Leg Curls

Intervals: None.

Notes and observations:
Total work time: 28:21 ... slow...no gas!

Nutrition for the last few days has been good. I've upped the calories and managed to keep the macros very balanced.

So, today (Saturday) I'll do some intervals by themselves, with another full day of rest tomorrow. That should get me back on track for Monday.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday, 9/17/08, workout log

Recap for 9/17/08, Workout A from the TK3 program in the original Turbulence Training manual.

Gorgeous day outside today! Wow! Too bad I have an inside job. Here's the rundown for today.

First, the work included:

  • Heavy BB Rows
  • DB Chest Press
  • DB Rows Elbow Out
  • DB Incline Press
  • Decline Pushups
  • DB Curls

Intervals: 6 transitions; 30 x 90 secs; 9 x 3 intensity (respectively); at a 2% incline.

Notes and observations:
Again...I still don't have the chin-up bar that I ordered. Substituted the rows. (This is getting old) The chest presses felt solid...definitely easier. Two more of this workout and I'll give the 85#'s a try again.

DB Rows. Better form on the right side although it's weaker. Solid on the left. The 65#'s are too light on the incline presses now. I'll have to bump it up to 70#s.

The decline pushups are still magical murder following all that chest work. Curls gave me an enormous arm pump!

Total work time: 23:12 ...Yes, I beat my time...again.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, 9/15/08 workout log

Recap for Monday, Workout B from the TK3 program in the original Turbulence Training manual.

It was a usual Monday at work. Following up with things from last week, most notably...Hurricane Ike moving through the Houston area. Had to keep up with how that impacted our offices in the area.

Tonight's workout was excellent. Here goes...

The work for today included:

  • DB Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Swiss Ball Jacknife
  • DB Step Ups
  • Swiss Ball Leg Curls

Intervals: 8 transitions; 60 x 60 secs; 8 x 3 intensity (respectively); at a 1.5% incline

Notes and observations:
Total work time: 27:49 ...No, I didn't beat my last mark, but I did much more actual work.

Last time through this workout (9/10/08) I was disappointed in the weight used. This time, I made up for it in spades! I pushed the DB's up to 55# and went for it. At 20# total pounds heavier...it was a challenge let me tell you....especially in the grip. I'm going to have to get some wrist straps the heavier I go.

Also as mentioned last time, I did push the side planks up to 40 secs per side. That was a good number. I'll keep it there one more session and then nudge it up again.

Ditto for the BB RDL. I pushed the total poundage up to 177#...another 20# increase. I finished all the reps with no problems, but it was definitely a better challenge. I think I'll work on this weight 1 to 2 more sessions before upping anymore...to get the form down better.

Again...trouble with the calves during intervals. Cramping.

Tomorrow is an easy day...don't want to get wasted and not able to perform on Wednesday.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, 9/12/08 workout Log

Recap for Friday, Workout A from the TK3 program in the original Tubulence Training manual.

Following a long day at work and despite being up very late the night before, Friday's workout was focused and productive. Nobody was home when I got here, so I made a quick transition out of work clothes to take advantage of the quiet. I decided to keep it that way ...no music ...no TV ...no distractions. Just Craig's program ...the weights ...and my stop watch with a focus on beating my last time with better form.

Here are the exercises in tonight's workout:

  • Heavy BB Rows
  • DB Chest Press
  • DB Rows (Elbow Out)
  • DB Incline Press
  • Decline Pushups
  • DB Curls 3x8 @ 30#

Intervals: 6 transitions; 30 x 90 secs; 9 x 3 intensity (respectively); at a 3% incline

Notes and observations:
I still don't have the chin-up bar that I ordered so, once again, I have to substitute heavy rows. It's not even close to the same, but it's the only back (pulling) exercise I can do with the equipment I currently own. The chest presses felt solid.

During the DB rows of set 2, I made one clear observation: Although I'm right handed, I am much stronger in the rowing movement with my left side. In that situation it would be easy to sacrifice form on your weaker side in order to move the same weight. I need to be more focused with my right side so that I don't cheat. "Pushes" are opposite. The simple coordination of my right side makes it seem easier to push through the movement and I have to focus on the left side for form and motion as was the case with the incline presses.

The decline pushups are murder following the various chest presses of the first two sets. Likewise, the curls are also quite a challenge following all the heavy pulling movements. Both are natural consequences, and I'm sure that's why Craig structured the workout that way. After finishing the complete 3rd set, I grabbed a pair of 15# dbs and did seated hammer curls to failure. Arms were toast.

Total work time: 23:25 ...almost a full 3 minutes better than Monday.

I had trouble with the intervals:
My left calf muscle kept going into spasm. I had to break out of the first set and stretch a little more. My calves have both been giving me problems...but only on the treadmill. Not when I run outdoors. I'm sure it's due to the difference in dorsiflexion of the feet. It's purely a subconcious change, but I've read that running on the treadmill causes an ever so slight change in normal gait patterns compared to running outdoors.

This can make itself evident in various ways depending on the individual due to the limitless variations in how we all walk and run. For example, I've read that this is the reason it's common for people in northern climates, who spend most of the winter months running indoors on treadmills, to experience various leg pains when they head outdoors during the spring.

Yada, Yada....I know....get on with it...enough rambling ... I also still want to get a stationary bike to offer some more variation on the theme of intervals. But I'll do some outside today on my mountain bike.

And to start Saturday... is this a new ritual? ... hmmmm ... maybe. Here's breakfast Oatmeal Pancakes - recipe found online at

The listed ingredients/quantities makes 2 cakes. Here are the macros (for the cakes alone):
Cals: 308
Total Fat (g): 4.22
Carbs (g): 34
Prot (g): 31

~Careful~ with the carbs when adding any toppings. I like to use a low-sugar strawberry fruit spread (no HFCS). It's only 40 cals for 2 tbsp with 12g sugar carbs. A touch of raw, 100% natural maple syrup would rock! But that would be for a some sort of treat. Don't waste your time with any of the standard industry syrups. Even the low-carb varieties. They're loaded down with all kinds of garbage, with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) leading the pack.

And, yes everyone loves grandma's homemade jellys and preserves, but have you ever seen how much sugar is used to make that stuff? Best to just give grandma a kiss on the cheek, help with the dishes and steer clear of the sugar bomb!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Workout Blog for 9/10/08

As mentioned previously, this contest brings a new Turbulence Training workout program for me. Tonight was Workout B from TK3 in the original TT manual.

Workout stats:

Total Worktime: 25:25

Exercises performed:
  • Forward Lunges
  • Side Planks
  • BB RDL
  • Stability Ball Jacknife
  • Step Ups
  • Stability Ball Leg curls

Lunges were done holding a pair of 45# DBs. I should have been able to go heavier, but I'll get to that a bit later. The side planks were too easy (thanks to Craig). So I'll ramp them up to 45 secs a side next go around.

For the next group, I substituted a barbell RDL loaded with 155# because I didn't want to waste time loading and then unloading my DB's for the next group of exercises. I was able to finish all 3 sets of 8 reps easily at that weight, so I'll increase next go around. The jacknife's felt great.

I messed around a bit with the order of set #3...the Step Up + Stability Ball leg curl. I performed one set of step ups on one side and then did the leg curls and then straight back to step ups for the other leg. This gave my grip a chance to rest so I could come back to the other leg fresh and not drop the weights. As you get stronger, it gets more difficult to hold on to heavy DBs for too long.

Overall, I wasn't as fresh as I would have liked. Last night's run was too much and I didn't have the gas to push as hard as I could have. The intervals suffered because of being flat ... I won't make that mistake again.

Monday, September 8, 2008

TT Daily Log for 9/8/08

Daily Breakdown:

BFast: 2 whole eggs, 1 slice ham, 1 slice cheese, 1 slice whole wheat bread. 1 Multivitamin, 2 fish oil caps, coffee with nocal sweetener.

Mid-morn snack: (Skipped had a somewhat early lunch)

Lunch: 7oz baked chicken breast, an ~ENORMOUS~ bowl of raw mixed vegetables, 2 fish oil caps, 2 cups green tea

(...green tea throughout the rest of the day...)

Mid Aft Snack: Handfull of almonds, 1 med Apple

Pre Work out Snack: EAS Carb Control meal bar. (I needed something quick while I was driving home.)

(Workout See below)

Post Workout Nutrition: Protein in water with Creatine. Also washed down a Vitamin C, E and Calcium.

Dinner: 8oz chicken, 1/2 cup Quinoa, 1/2 cup chick peas, 1 cup chopped spinach, 2 fish oil caps, 2 cups green tea

Late: 6oz low fat cottage cheese, 4oz low fat yogurt, ground flax seed... mixed with some cinnamon

Overall it was a good workout today. Nice to change it up a bit. I had been working the August TT Hot Zone Fat Loss the last few weeks.

General Stats:
Workout: TT 2K3 Workout A (from the Original Workout Manual)
Overall work time: 26:06 (mins)

I was pleased with the amount of weight I was able to use. Although I had a reality check after the first set of DB Chest presses. I managed the first set with a pair of 85# DBs. But there was no way to complete 2 more sets in good form...so I backed it down to 75#. That was much better. It was still a challenge at reps 6, 7 & 8...but I could maintain proper form and rhythm. (explode out...2 secs down)

Used a pair of 65#s for both the rows and the DB incline press and a pair of 30#s on the curls.

Had to make a couple of substitutions:
Chin Ups: My chin-up bar isn't here yet...(ordered last week)...so I substituted the reps with BB rows with 130 pounds.
DB Incline Curls: I can't do these the way by bench inclines...so I did them sitting on a stability ball.

Interval Workout A: 20 mins. (Treadmill set on a 2% incline)

So those are my marks on this workout. I'll use these numbers this month and work to set some personal bests.

Workout B will be on Wednesday.