Thursday, October 9, 2008

Workout blog for 10/09/08

OK, the TT Big 5 has come full circle. Wednesday night was the 2nd time through Workout B and man was it a scorcher.
There's one more workout that I need to do this coming Friday which is the bodyweight circuit version for Workout C. Otherwise, and all together, this is one ~FANTASTIC~ program. The beauty of it is that you could (if you wanted) swap out the exercises for a different set of movements every month and keep using the program structure...again, that's if you wanted.
Here's the smackdown:
  • 1-Leg Squat
  • DB Chest Press
  • DB Row
  • Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Stability Ball Rollout
Notes and Observations:
1-Leg Squat - again done body weight only. Balance is OK ...will do next week with a plate or holding a DB.
DB Chest Press - Used a pair of 75# DBs. This are increasingly more easy.
DB Row - Three point row with a 65# DB. Nice and solid...moving it up next week.
Bulg. Split squat - used a pair of 25# DB's. Nice and solid...will move up to 30#s next week.
Stability Ball Rollout - a classic favorite.
Work Time for 3 sets: 20:49...
I considered finishing off with either 3 minute arms..or 6 minute abs...but I decided that I would get more benefit by doing the entire routine again through the last set. So, I performed the 8 reps set again...for a total of 4 times through. The extra set took just over 5 minutes following a short break.
Totally Finished in just over 27 minutes.
Intervals: 6 rounds of 60x90 secs at an 8/3 intensity.
I can feel the fat melting away. Having a great time with this program.

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