Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thursday; 10/02/08 Workout

My October Turbulence Training Big 5 program got off to a big start
yesterday. However, I got home too late at night to
do both the resistance work and the I
performed the intervals today.

Actually, I added in a quick set of Turbulence Training 6 Minute Abs
and then moved straight into the intervals for the
Big 5 workout "B".

The intervals for today were 6 rounds of 60 x 90 secs
at an 8/3 intensity. I had to stop mid way through
the warm up due to my cramping calves...Man, that is
really bothering me. I've upped my water through the
day, began supplementing with extra potassium and
stretch throughout the day...and I ~STILL~ get cramps! was about 30 minutes all
through...including the Ab work and the warmup1,
warmup2, intervals and cool down.

Kudos to Craig for both the 3 minute arm and 6 minute
abs. Yes the names may seem a bit silly, but they are
just right to top off any Turbulence Training Program if you want to add focus on one area.

Heck, I intend to use both of them on a rotating basis
with all of my TT work from now on.

Until next hard.

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