Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don't be can succeed!!!

I am absolute proof that you can succeed with changing your life and getting back into good physical condition...even ~BETTER~ than in your entire life with a few simple tools:
  • A desire to change
  • Focus and Determination: to make your goals a reality
  • Social support (family, friends, co-workers)
  • Good nutrition
  • A well balanced exercise program tailored to the needs of a busy world

All of that in one simple package? Nah, that can't's impossible.

But it's true. Nope, it's not a pill...and it's not sold on late night or weekend infomercials.

It's you. Yes, you! ~All you need is the motivation.

Over the last two years, I have completely...and I mean ~COMPLETELY~ transformed myself from a soft, quickly approaching middle aged man ... with graying hair and all. To a fit, rock hard, energetic busy husband and father of 3 girls....who is quickly running away from middle age doing things I have never done before.

Things like running in local 5k events, lifting weights regularly, even riding in mountain bike races! Wow! A complete change for the absolute better. Sure, I can't stop the hands of time...but they will have to catch me.

Anyone can do it, all you need is desire to take that step....I hope I can inspire you do that.