Thursday, December 18, 2008

Congratulations to my winner!!!

Well, the Turbulence Training 3rd transformation contest is in the books, and I gave it my best shot.

Unfortunately for me there were a couple of guys that came along and just blew me out of the water! That's OK, I don't feel bad about that because they did a lot of very hard work and had some fantastic transformations. That just proves the power of the Turbulence Training program overall. So many people, so many positive changes in the their lives...that's the real prize! Check here for their stories.

I do however want to focus on (and steal a little credit) for one of the contestants beautiful wife! Yes, she participated in the contest with me...and not only made a fantastic personal transformation...she won 3rd place overall! Yes, that's right, 3rd place overall in a contest that turned out to be very, very competitive.

You can see above just how dramatic her changes were..all accomplished in just 12 weeks. Her official contest entry page is here. You can read her full story.

I'm very, very proud of her hard work...she really deserves it.

Just for the record, below were my official entry photos. Like I said before...I got bumped from the finals...but that's OK. I got bumped by some guys that experienced their own fantastic personal transformations using Turbulence Training.

Until next hard.